eTiqueMarket - The Saturday eTique Post

The Saturday eTique Post

The Saturday eTique Post is a free weekly publication of eTiqueMarket containing commentary, history and advice for collectors, published each Sunday at midnight to avoid interference with your Saturday evening frivolities. Erudite and ambitious writers wishing to contribute to the general wealth of knowledge of the public should inquire within.

Hummels Are Still Dead – Redux

The Rumors of Hummels' Deaths May Be Greatly Exaggerated

tony bonn 0 12 Article rating: No rating

We revisit our article, Hummels Are Still Dead, published 5 years, sounding the dirge of the collapse of the Hummel collector phenomenon. Were we premature, off-base, or flat out wrong?

Hummels Are Still Dead

The rise and fall of Hummel collectormania

SuperUser Account 0 19 Article rating: No rating

Hummel prices are often well below their initial purchase prices. We take a glimpse at what has occurred in this once frothy market.

Collector Caveats for Currier and Ives Prints

Knowing When to Break the Rules

tony bonn 0 22 Article rating: No rating

Currier and Ives prints have well established guidelines for collectors - especially for those starting. But there are times when the rules are made to be broken so to speak. We examine a few edge cases in this article.

The Perils of Faberge

Just because it has provenance from a famous wealthy collector does not mean that it is Faberge

tony bonn 0 28 Article rating: No rating

.The sale of a "fake" Faberge egg calls into question the risks of relying on the usual experts - at least at the high end of Faberge output, and prompts rehearsal of the standard guides for disqualifying candidate Faberges.

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