Special Requests
Are we fresh out of dreams? Fret not - help might be on the way. Please submit items on your wanted list to our support desk. We will circulate it among our dealers who may have one hidden away in the "back room", or who may add it to his shopping list while scrounging up new finds. It can't hurt to ask - it won't cost a cent.
All you have to do is visit our Support page and submit a Find Request. Include as many details as possible such as size, color, maker, age, condition and whatever else is relevant to your eTique. As an example, you might be looking for a platter
I am looking for a Staffordshire rectangular platter about 18" long, flow mulberry, needs to be in perfect condition, made in the 19th C. It should be a scene from India. I am willing to pay 300-500 dollars.
Or something like that. There is absolutely no obligation to purchase - it is simply a way to help us understand what our shoppers want without hiring an annoying telemarketer to call you during dinner time for your latest wish list.